Peace In The Garden

Memory is elastic
and I can’t help but stretch it
thinking back to chasing sunsets
Atop my motorbike in Thailand
enthralled and awed
complete abandon
I never believed
that moment could be bettered
I never thought
life could be more generous

The air is hot today
frogs skitter on the pond
flowers all in bloom
A cat curled on the deck
the outstretched arms of summertime
Gentle, eased and calm
I lean into the mood
quiet the troubles of a soul

And if I am, I am…
sipping beer
at the fall of man
I found peace
in the garden

How easily worries perfume the heart
the future is a swollen thunderhead
Some madman’s prickling trigger finger
wriggles and we’re done…
Yet, my eyes are closed today
halfway or fully
Listening to the insects
all those busy wings
Caught in
the thrum of simply being

A glass of something cool
a twinkling string of lights above
it’s something I’ve been chasing
I eye the dancing branches
as the sunlight slithers away
Safe and sound, I’m free again
relax into the moment
quiet the troubles of a soul

And if I am, I am…
talking to the animals
at the fall of man
I found peace
in the garden…

Thanks for reading.

Restless (Sequel)

Writing in circles again
I’m chasing your tail
to edge of pointlessness

The nihilistic streak in me
vibrates at the thought of you
It’s like I take my pulse
while getting your name tattooed

You’ve got your phantom hook in me
just deep enough to tear
welcome back
O, welcome back…

The most concise statement I ever etched
the most desperately impassioned verse spilt
it’s emblazoned with your image
it squawks for your attention

That devil on my shoulder
lights a cigarette when you smile
it’s like an ache
and all the pills I can take

You’ve got your phantom hook in me
just deep enough to burn
so welcome back
welcome back…

Be gentle with me
say as little as possible
to me…

It will never be as good as it was
it will never feel like it did at the start
but welcome back
welcome back…

Thanks for reading.