Poles Apart [August Poems]

Black coffee cooling in the cup I hold
I’ve not spoken a single word
for at least an hour

My mind is lost in the endless perfection
of the cosmos of your freckles
scattered around deep brown eyes

Your perfume lingers on
as delicate as the lick
of that luscious accent

We’re poles apart
decades dividing
and still, you sing to me

We’re poles apart
decades of distance
and still, you devastate me

From the safety of old photographs
strewn across my kitchen table
on this freezing winter evening…

Thanks for reading.

A Storm Over Blake Street [August Poems]

From the top of this hill
you can look out for miles
through the rain beating down
as far as the eye can see

The car horns argue like children
we’ve seen the last sun of summer
These clouds keep on gathering
my mood worsens with the weather

From a small upstairs window
I find myself looking down again
searching for some meaning
squinting through the rush of rain

It’s easy to summon a breaking
to twist the nerves of resentment
hurtle towards that reckoning
grapple the nettle of estrangement

There’s a storm over Blake Street
and now the road is a river
We’re both longing to be washed out
surf an escape on this tide swell

With a flash of purple lightning
my eyes are called to the horizon
and, there, on that distant line
is a sliver of chaseable blue…

Thanks for reading.

Petals In A Rainstorm [August Poems]

I see your face in puddles
as I go splashing through
How long have you been here now
implicitly warm and loving
touching the edges of my shape

There is something deeply complicated
and it’s hard for me to admit
Perhaps it’s a broken thing
or mutated in its form
uniquely hard to know

There’s a part of me that adores
being haunted by you
There’s a part of me that can’t
bare to be without you

I hear your voice through heavy rain
it washes my loneliness away
How I long to reach and touch
all those things you love to share
from your place so many miles away

Why do I paint my world this shade
why do I let the sadness in
Why do I choose this dead-end pathway
why do I continue, repeating
Why do I keep flowering

There’s a part of me that needs it
the rush of your sugar on my tongue
There’s a hollow space in me
that needs you to keep refilling

The rain comes down
the petals all are lost again
The rain comes down
the petals, all lost again…

Thanks for reading.

Keep A Smile [August Poems]

For those who hold the door
and those who make mistakes
For those we pass
on a rainy day with no umbrella
Keep a smile
close to hand

For the motorists who try
to run you over
And those cyclists who don’t
know what they are
Keep a smile
close to hand

For the early morning shoppers
whose manners are still asleep
For the harried single-parent families
rushing between drop-offs
Keep a smile
close to hand

For the bus driver or train conductor
for the scaffolding erectors
For the crossing attendant
or the joggers rushing by
Keep a smile
close to hand

Keep a smile
close to hand
and when the time is right
shoot it straight
into their hearts…

Thanks for reading.